Identifying good quality health during pandemic

New Lifestyle During Covid-19 Pandemic
Lifestyle changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which conditioned people to pay more attention to cleanliness and have triggered an increase in demand for vacuum cleaners in the housing sector. According to the page, the global vacuum cleaner market in 2022 will reach USD 12,501 million. This value is expected to grow by 9.9% from 2023 to 2030. Meanwhile, based on a report by, the vacuum cleaner market in Indonesia is predicted to increase by 3.91% annually.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, people were limited in their activities which includes having to work from home (WFH). Getting bored while staying at home encourages someone to have a new hobby, namely caring for pets, be they dogs, cats, rabbits, fish, or others. Having a pet is believed to make a person less lonely during a pandemic. Of course, the most popular animals are dogs and cats. This is to get a boost for their mental health. According to a World Economic Forum report, the number of people adopting pets has skyrocketed during the pandemic. And being locked up with a pet for a long time during a pandemic makes one love the pet even more.
In 2022, conducted a survey in Indonesia regarding pet ownership. Of the 10,442 respondents, it was recorded that 67 percent had pets. Meanwhile, 23 percent did not, and 10 percent admitted that they had a pet. Most Indonesian people prefer to keep cats. Of all the ages of the survey respondents, cats are the animals with the highest percentage of being cared for, followed by fish, birds, and dogs as the animals with the highest percentage of being kept in Indonesia. Some monthly expenses are needed to raise these pets. As many as 88 percent of Indonesian respondents purchased food products and snacks. Followed by 43 and 41 percent of respondents who bought a variety of cage products, care and cleaning products.