Frequently Asked Questions
Got a question? We've got answers. If you have some other questions, we are here to help
What Service from SKRResearch
SKRResearch Provide service Qualitative, Quantitative, Field Management Service and Desk Research
Do You Have Experiences team ?
SKRResearch have experiences team to support Research, if Clients only need Fieldwork Only SKRResearch can to provide that and have experiences more 15 years and have internal Fieldwork, if Clients need Full Service, SKR can provide full service Research and have experiences team such like Researcher, Data Processing, Fieldwork
does SKRResearch use research technology in conducting its research?
SKRResearch adopts advanced research tools in research activities: 1. such as using togo surveys, monkey surveys, and cobocolex, in quantitative method also supported by team have experience in computerized data processing, 2. also use online virtual applications for qualitative such as zoom, bluejeans, and Google Meet. clients from overseas can witness IDI, FGD, and Triad sessions. 3. In real time, you can look at achievement target in the official SKRResearch website, with log in with the ID and password provided by the IT team from SKRResearch.
Does SKRResearch have internal Fieldwork team?
SKRResearch has local teams for every urban, sub-urban, rural, and city across Indonesia. who are very committed to every project, and almost every province in Indonesia has fieldwork team.